
Advice for Women Entrepreneurs

The 8th of March is International Women’s Day, a day to celebrate the achievements of all women across the globe. This year, we’re sharing our advice for women entrepreneurs and ambitious early-career women looking to suceed in business.

The theme for IWD 2023 is ‘Embrace Equity’. This recognises that providing equal opportunities is no longer enough and more focus should be placed on the needs of specific groups in order to reach an equal outcome. What works for one does not work for all.

This year, the spotlight is also on women in tech and aims to highlight the lack of inclusion in this industry.


Advice for Women Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners

The UK has made progress in recent years, with more women starting their own businesses than ever before and an increased focus on supporting working mums.

But there’s still a lot more we can do if we want to see true parity between men and women in the workplace.

Women currently hold nearly half of the jobs in the country, but they own only 11% of small businesses.

Our very own founder, Hayley Grange is part of this 11%, and we’re proud to currently have an all-women team at Twenty2.

She says, “My advice to any woman wanting to start their own business is to simply start. If you’ve been thinking about going freelance or setting up a team, there’s no better time than the present to start working towards your goal. The journey will be long and success takes time, but don’t be disheartened if you find it hard in the beginning. Use those people around you who support and champion what you are doing. I found my network of family and friends vital in bringing success and pushing through the challenges.  Remember that there will be highs and lows, but it’ll be so worth it in the end.”


International Women's Day Hayley Advice for Women Entrepreneurs Women Quote


Here are 5 tips for early-career women who are looking to succeed in business:

  1. Don’t be afraid to reach out – it’s okay if you don’t know someone personally! You can make friends by reaching out to people on social media, or even just sending them an email or letter introducing yourself and what you do. Offer your services as well – you may be able to help each other out.
  2. Look for mentors – if there are no female role models at your company, seek them out elsewhere. You might try asking around among other women who have been successful where they got their start or even looking up videos from conferences where they spoke about their experiences.
  3. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do it.
  4. Surround yourself with people who can help and support you on your journey towards success. Make sure those people know how much they mean to you (and vice versa). We’ve found that being kind to others makes us feel happier and helps us be more productive at work.
  5. SELF CARE. Work can be stressful and you can lose yourself in it! Mindfulness is great to unwind and calm down after a busy day. Take time to remember where you came from, your purpose and remind yourself that you’re on track.


And remember to REST!


Advice for Women Entrepreneurs Image



Additional Resources

Accounting Qualifications | How to Get Them

National Careers Week is an annual event that aims to help people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities find the right career for them. It’s a great chance to learn more about what jobs are available and how you can get started in your chosen field.

So you want to become an accountant, but you’re not sure what qualifications you need?

There are so many different qualifications when it comes to finance and accounting and it can be tricky to navigate.

Our expert team specialise in recruiting accountants and finance professionals. They have a unique insight into the industry and how to get started.

Here’s an overview.


Accounting Qualifications and Where to Get Them Blog Cover Twenty2 Recruitment & Consultancy


The Qualifications


FYI Accounting Qualifications and Where to Get Them


There is little difference between the ACCA and ICAEW qualifications however, ICAEW requires you to complete your training with an approved employer – ACCA does not. Take a look at our additional resources for more information on choosing the right qualification for you.



Where can I get my Accounting/Finance Qualification?


Local Institutions in the East Midlands and Staffordshire


Remote Learning Opportunities


FYI Accounting Qualifications and Where to Get Them


A lot of these course providers offer a range of courses, covering different qualifications and levels, that you can explore and choose from.




Our expert team of consultants here at Twenty2 are experienced in recruiting for accountancy practice and industry roles across the East Midlands and Staffordshire. If you’re searching for a new role or looking to begin your finance career, get in touch by contacting info@22consultancy.co.uk.


We regularly have opportunities in Derby and Leicestershire so don’t hesitate to get in touch today if you’re open to work in these areas.


Additional Resources:

How Reading A Book Can Change Your Career

Is it true that reading a book can change your career? Whether you’re just starting out or have been in the workforce for a while, it’s important to remember that your career is one of the biggest parts of your life. It’s how you pay the bills, support yourself and your family, and fulfil your dreams.

But there are so many questions—where do I start? What should I do with my degree? How can I get ahead? How can I make more money? What should I do if I’m not happy at work? Should I switch careers?

On World Book Day, we’ve compiled a list of 5 books that focus on productivity and career success that we think will help answer some of these questions!


How Reading A Book Can Change Your Career - The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey

1. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey

The book that started it all. This classic is a great primer on how to achieve success in life and work. It’s not just about the steps you need to take, but also about how you approach them: with an eye toward being helpful, respectful, and mindful.


How Reading A Book Can Change Your Career - How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
2. How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie

This is a classic on how to get ahead professionally by being kind and thoughtful to people around you—not only at work but in your personal life as well. It has helped millions of people improve their relationships so they can reach their goals faster than ever before.


How Reading A Book Can Change Your Career - Tina Fey Bossypants
3. Bossypants by Tina Fey

Tina Fey is a talented comedian and writer, but she’s also an inspirational woman who has made a successful career in a male-dominated industry. In her memoir, Bossypants, she shares her story and gives advice on how to keep going when things get tough.


Happy Sexy Millionaire by Steven Bartlett
4. Happy Sexy Millionaire: Unexpected Truths about Fulfilment, Love and Success by Steven Bartlett

We’re big Steven Bartlett fans in this office! The Dragon’s Den star delves into the expectations vs reality when it comes to life and work and how he’s not quite the “Happy Sexy Millionaire” he dreamt of when he was 18. A true success story.


Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg
5. Lean In: Women, Work and the Will to Lead by Sheryl Sandberg

Sheryl Sandberg calls out the ways that women are held back from success in their careers. She offers practical advice for how we can all lean in and take more chances in our lives and careers to achieve more success and happiness.


Have you read a book that changed your career or influenced you to make a change in your life? We’d love to know what you recommend. Comment on our latest social media post to let us know.

And make sure to follow us for regular updates on recruitment trends, tips and opportunities in the East Midlands and Staffordshire.


Source: goodreads.com


Additional Resources


Visit our Jobs page to see our current vacancies or visit our About page to learn more about Twenty2 Recruitment & Consultancy.

Why we need to #bekind in business

The 17th of February 2023 is Random Acts of Kindness Day. Starting in 1995, the yearly tradition encourages us to be kind to each other without needing a specific reason or event.

It doesn’t feel like a coincidence that this day falls in the same week as International Networking Week. Networking can lead to great opportunities and it only takes the random act of one kind stranger to completely change your career.

Even something as simple as a mention from a friend on social media, a business referral or a kind word from someone in your industry can give us the confidence to succeed.

But the first step is getting to those events and meeting the right people.


How to Network like a Pro

Our Recruitment Director, Hayley shares her top tips on networking and how to pluck up the courage to get involved.


Networking Tips Quote Hayley Grange Twenty2 Recruitment



1. Be brave. Walking into a room of strangers can be nerve-wracking! Sign up to the event and make that commitment.

2. Take a friend. If you’re nervous to go it alone, ask a friend or colleague if they’re interested in joining you. You might be surprised by their response.

3. Prep. Prepare what you will say when introducing yourself and your business. There’s nothing worse than feeling tongue-tied and under pressure.

4. Research the event. Read up on who the key speakers are, their subject areas and even the list of who’s attending.

5. Be yourself. Remember that you’re at the event for a reason (because you’re the best person for the job!)

Networking Tips Quote Hayley Grange Twenty2 Recruitment




#bekind at Work

And if networking isn’t your thing, here are a few ways you can show kindness in the office today.


Random Act of Kindness Day 2023, International Networking Week Twenty2 Recruitment



Additional Resources:


National Apprenticeship Week 2023

This week is National Apprenticeship Week 2023 which celebrates the contribution of apprentices to businesses up and down the country. The theme for this year is ‘Skills for Life’ and recognises the quality of apprenticeships and how they have shaped the career of so many professionals.

In recent years, apprenticeships have become known for their comprehensive, 360 approach to education and work experience – rivalling a university qualification. National Apprenticeship Week is an opportunity to showcase apprentices and their stories to inspire others to consider an apprenticeship or a business to take on an apprentice.

Apprenticeships exist in all sectors and industries from finance, legal and tech to more hands-on roles in construction and manufacturing. At Twenty2, we have our own apprentice, Lucy, who works on our digital marketing and admin within the business. Next month, she completes her 18-month apprenticeship – something we are looking forward to celebrating as a team.


Our digital marketing apprentice, Lucy - National Apprenticeship Week 2023 Blog.

Our digital marketing apprentice, Lucy


Lucy says, “being both a uni graduate and an apprentice, the difference between the two qualifications is huge. With an apprenticeship, your study is centered around your job role and provides a solid, practical base for you to begin your career. An apprenticeship balances work with study and takes away the worry of not knowing whether you’ll find a job at the end of it.”


Top 5 Facts About Apprenticeships - National Apprenticeship Week 2023 Blog.


How to get involved:


Additional Resources:


Source: https://www.staffordshire.gov.uk/Education/Learning-options-and-careers/Learning-Routes/Apprenticeships/8-Surprising-facts-about-apprenticeships.aspx

Twenty2’s Anagram Quiz!

You might have received our newsletter where we challenged you to an anagram quiz. Scroll down to take part and see the answers.

Hint: All of the anagrams are sectors that Twenty2 specialise in.  Good luck!




We’d love to hear how you did. Comment your score on our latest social media post.


Download the quiz by clicking the link below:

Twenty2’s Anagram Quiz!


And if you’re not signed up to our newsletter yet, click here.

Or scan this QR code:







Supporting Gem’s Mission Christmas

As part of Gem Radio’s Mission Christmas, dbs volunteered to make their Castle Donington site a donation drop-off point. Being based in the offices, we couldn’t wait to get involved and support the cause.


We were also very happy to support a local small business, The Olive Branch – a toyshop located on the Castle Donington high street. The Olive Branch is a small but mighty, beautiful toyshop with a range of gifts for ages 0 to 6+. They also have a spacious room available to book for parties and occasions, located around the corner.


The wonderful books we bought from The Olive Branch to donate next to the dbs Christmas tree.


The beautiful shopfront – a staple on the Castle Donington High street!


No child should have to wake up to nothing under the tree on Christmas morning. Gem’s Mission Christmas works tirelessly to deliver a special gift to those who need it most.


“Mission Christmas is here to help Santa reach children living in poverty. If you’re able to, please take a new and unwrapped gift to one of our drop-off points, donate cash or gifts online or sign up and get involved with some fundraising. We guarantee your support will mean that a child who’s at risk of waking up to nothing on Christmas Day will have something to open.

Cash for Kids Mission Christmas is in partnership with B&M Stores – big brands, big savings. Drop off your gifts when you’re in-store!


There are still drop-off points open until the 19th of December if you wish to donate. Find your nearest drop-off point here.

Latest Recruitment Trends

From the recent mini-budget to the publication of data from the 4-day working week trial, we take a look at some of the latest recruitment trends and news affecting local business in our round-up below.

We are excited at the prospect of growth in the region with the announcement of 3 new investment zones and have been following data on hybrid working with interest. Check out the recommended articles below to see what we’ve been reading about this week.


Trends Blog Mini-Budget Parliament Twenty2 Recruitment & Consultancy




We are always keen to hear from other local companies and are available to discuss the latest market trends and their impact on the recruitment market with you. For a free chat, please reach out to Laura or Hayley today.


Follow us on our socials to keep up to date with business and industry trends.



Trends Blog Trends Twenty2 Recruitment & Consultancy



September Events

Our Recruitment Manager, Laura attended a great networking event recently for the Branston Business Club at Branston Golf and Country Club over a delicious Afternoon Tea. Getting together with local businesses and discussing current business trends alongside cake and a little bit of magic was a great combination.

It was great to chat with the team from MacMartin, Ginho Group and True MSP amongst others and we’re looking forward to the next event.



Earlier in September, Hayley, our Recruitment Director, attended the Derby’s Finest Networking Event hosted by Smith Partnership. It was an opportunity after the summer break to come together, reconnect and share.

Thank you to Smith Partnership for hosting a wonderful breakfast networking event. We enjoyed visiting your impressive offices and meeting with acquaintances old and new.


Twenty2 attended the Derby's Finest Event at Smith Partnership, Derby


Twenty2 attended the Derby's Finest Event at Smith Partnership, Derby


If you’re interested in learning more about networking groups in the East Midlands, below are links to more information about Derby’s Finest and the Branston Business Club.



Why values need to be more than just words

We all have values that we live by day to day and they’re also the values that make us good employees, managers and colleagues. Identifying your values and being conscious of them when making decisions is crucial to ensure consistency and success in the workplace.

When looking for a job, knowing your values can be a great tool and can help you know whether the role is right for you. For example, if you value loyalty, choosing a job close to your family and friends might be important to you. If one of your values is creativity, choosing a job that has self-driven elements with the opportunity to present your ideas is key.



In a business, making sure that the team are aware of the company values and are consistently representing them is essential for the continuity of any service.

At Twenty2 Recruitment & Consultancy, our values are at the core of who we are and are a reminder of the foundation that Twenty2 was built upon.


We care about our clients, candidates and each other. We take time to build relationships and understand what’s important.


We are honest, dependable and reliable. We go the extra mile to help find our clients and candidates the right people or position for them.


We are approachable, friendly and welcoming. We strive to be trusted advisers for our clients and candidates.


We are passionate about doing recruitment differently. We are pro-active, relationship-led and provide a consultative approach.


Conducting a staff survey can be a great way to anonymously ask if your company is aligning with its values. If you’re yet to define your company values, a survey can be used to vote on them or discover new ideas. By defining your values, you quickly and easily give your audience a clear first impression of your organisation.


Values can’t just be words on a page. To be effective, they must shape action - Jeffrey R. Immelt


Try writing down your values and choose your top 4. Make a conscious effort to live by them today.


See the resources below to discover your values and learn about their importance in the workplace.


Additional Resources: