Recruitment in 2024 | Our Predictions

The 2023 jobs market has seen a lot of change, especially in the last quarter and with the recent announcement of the Autumn Statement. With workers striking, job vacancies falling and wages increasing, the after effects of the pandemic and the economic consequences of this are still being felt.

But how will this change going into 2024? Take a look at our predictions for the new year including our thoughts on remote jobs, company branding and the threat of AI.


Is this the end of Remote Working?

The world of remote working was embraced during Covid, but we’re now seeing a clear shift in employer mindset around working from home. Many employers are asking their remote staff to return to office working, at least on a hybrid basis. We are expecting this to continue to rise in 2024, with further emphasis on the importance of employee wellbeing and promoting a positive company culture.


Recruitment Predictions 2024



What does this mean for candidates?

Building office-based teams or bringing people back from remote working means that it’s vital that companies find staff that fit their values and work well together. We predict a rise in the importance of personality fit during the interview stages of the hiring process. Researching the company, looking at their social media feeds and utilising websites like Glassdoor can help you to understand the culture and decide if you want to be considered.


Social Media & Your Brand

Further to this, we predict that the digital space for job vacancies and recruiters will only develop and transform further. The need to be present on social media (especially if you’re hiring) is imperative in this digital age. Building and maintaining your online brand will continue to be a top priority for businesses in 2024. For help with your company’s social media and online presence, contact our team who can offer advice, guidance and practical support.


Economical Changes

Following the recent announcement of the Autumn Statement, we now know that big changes are coming up in 2024. This includes increases to the Minimum Wage in April and National Insurance tax cuts from January. The cost of living and job security are issues high on the agendas of candidates that we speak to, whether this will lead to potential candidates being less likely to make a job move, only time will tell. Learn more about the Autumn Statement by clicking here.



Recruitment Predictions 2024




Robot Recruitment?

Finally, there’s the seemingly ever-present threat of AI and its impact on the jobs market. Do we think a lot will change in 2024? No, not really. Do we think that in 5 years’ time, AI will have an impact on our jobs? Yes, 100%. We know that there are a lot of flaws with AI-generated content, chatbots and automation online, so it will likely take a lot longer for AI to completely take over our jobs. So, if you’re reading an article about losing your job to a robot in 2024, close your browser and enjoy a nice long walk outside.


The world of recruitment is ever-evolving and employers can easily feel overwhelmed by the constant changes in technology, the employment landscape and the economy. The Twenty2 team are here to help you navigate this. We offer 1:1 meetings with our clients to discuss their requirements in detail and prevent any confusion around the hiring process. Ask us anything! Get in touch today.

Hiring the Right Staff for Your Small Business

Growing your small business can feel daunting and risky, making hiring the right staff paramount.

Taking something you’ve spent so much time perfecting, from business plans to product development, to now handing part of it over to an employee or team. Ensuring you assemble a group of people that share your vision, passion and commitment is key to the success of your business.

While the process may seem daunting, we are here to guide you through every step, providing insights, tips and strategies to help you make well-informed hiring decisions that align with your business objectives.

Hiring the right people easily creates a positive work environment, boosts team productivity, and contributes to business success. We understand the challenges that small business owners face in a competitive job market which is why we have curated this list to equip you with the tools you need to begin growing your company.


Hiring the Right Staff for your Small Business - Thinking Image



  1. Begin by evaluating your business’s financial stability and ensure that you can afford the costs associated with an employee, including salary, benefits, and taxes.
  2. Consider the long-term commitment of hiring and whether you’re able to sustain it.
  3. Clearly define the roles and responsibilities of the employee you intend to hire. Determine the specific tasks they will handle and the skills required for the position. This will help you to make the right decision when it comes to hiring.
  4. Try different strategies to attract suitable candidates. Leverage your existing network, advertise on relevant platforms such as job boards and reach out to a recruitment agency.
  5. Be prepared to check a large number of CVs and conduct interviews quickly. By using a recruitment agency, you’ll only receive qualified candidates – saving you lots of time!
  6. During and after the hiring process, communicate clearly with your new staff member. Set goals for their performance and growth within the company. Provide training and support to help them settle in and align with your company’s values and objectives.


Why use a recruitment agency?


Why choose Twenty2?


How to find staff for your small business?


Let us help you explore your next steps toward effective recruitment and retention.

Get in touch with our team of experts if you’re looking to grow your team and take your business to the next level.

Twenty2 operates across the East Midlands and Staffordshire areas, specialising in the Finance, HR, Accountancy, Legal, Sales and Marketing sectors.


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