Life After Graduation


by our Digital Marketing & Admin Assistant, Lucy

10 Jun 2022


When I started my final year of university, I had no idea what the year ahead had in store. I had always been indecisive about what career path I should take, so I decided to choose what I was good at and what I enjoyed. This approach was, of course, successful in the end. I finished university with good grades, having thoroughly enjoyed my education. But now what? When all you’ve known is coursework and revision, you can feel left out in the dust when graduation rolls around.



I began by searching for roles relevant to my degree course. When these were unsatisfactory or I was unsuccessful, I started looking elsewhere. I looked into various apprenticeship roles that had caught my eye and decided to apply. The process of applying for an apprenticeship is as competitive as any school or job. It is not ‘the easy option’. My art and design background lent itself well to digital marketing and I have no regrets about my decision. I would highly recommend the apprenticeship route to anyone, not just school leavers.


My recommendation, for whatever stage you’re at in your career or education, is to make decisions for yourself, not anyone else. And definitely not because “it pays good money”.


It’s true what they say, the majority of our lives will be spent working so choosing an industry that you’re passionate about needs to be the priority.





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