Why values need to be more than just words

We all have values that we live by day to day and they’re also the values that make us good employees, managers and colleagues. Identifying your values and being conscious of them when making decisions is crucial to ensure consistency and success in the workplace.

When looking for a job, knowing your values can be a great tool and can help you know whether the role is right for you. For example, if you value loyalty, choosing a job close to your family and friends might be important to you. If one of your values is creativity, choosing a job that has self-driven elements with the opportunity to present your ideas is key.



In a business, making sure that the team are aware of the company values and are consistently representing them is essential for the continuity of any service.

At Twenty2 Recruitment & Consultancy, our values are at the core of who we are and are a reminder of the foundation that Twenty2 was built upon.


We care about our clients, candidates and each other. We take time to build relationships and understand what’s important.


We are honest, dependable and reliable. We go the extra mile to help find our clients and candidates the right people or position for them.


We are approachable, friendly and welcoming. We strive to be trusted advisers for our clients and candidates.


We are passionate about doing recruitment differently. We are pro-active, relationship-led and provide a consultative approach.


Conducting a staff survey can be a great way to anonymously ask if your company is aligning with its values. If you’re yet to define your company values, a survey can be used to vote on them or discover new ideas. By defining your values, you quickly and easily give your audience a clear first impression of your organisation.


Values can’t just be words on a page. To be effective, they must shape action - Jeffrey R. Immelt


Try writing down your values and choose your top 4. Make a conscious effort to live by them today.


See the resources below to discover your values and learn about their importance in the workplace.


Additional Resources:

Winner Announced!

We held our first ever Instagram giveaway in August and it was a huge success. We were kindly gifted a Daily Planner from Loughborough-based stationer, Ohh Deer for the prize and saw over 200 entrants take part in the competition.

Congratulations to our winner, Jamie, who received the planner. We hope that it is useful and sets you on the path to success! 📖



A huge thank you from the team here at Twenty2 to everyone who entered the giveaway. 🌟

Balancing your time between work, life and family commitments can be tough. Planning your time can ensure you keep calm through the chaos.

Having a planner is a great tool to help you stay organised (or as Ohh Deer put it, “sort your life out”!). Ticking tasks off your to-do list is hugely satisfying and being able to have all your notes in one place can be useful when we need to remember something important. Whilst digital calendars have taken precedence in this technological age, I think we can all agree that there’s nothing quite like the tactility of a paperback book.

Giveaways are a great way for businesses to give back to their customers and for the prize, it was important to us that we were supporting a local Leicestershire business.

Keep an eye on our social media for future giveaways and for regular updates on our live vacancies. Follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter.


Giveaway Time! 🎁

Blog Giveaway Black Daily Planner Image


When you’re applying for jobs, planning your time is key. Balancing applications, interviews and time for yourself can sometimes feel impossible but setting out a solid plan will give you the confidence you need.

We’re giving away a beautiful daily planner in collaboration with Ohh Deer to help you plan your time and reach your goals.

Now that we’re heading into the new academic year, it’s a great time to get organised and Ohh Deer has the perfect planner to make that happen!

All you have to do is head over to our Instagram page, like our giveaway post, follow us and tag your friends in the comments (every comment is a new entry!).

For an extra entry, share the post to your Instagram story (remember to tag us from a public account!).


Blog Giveaway Daily Planner How to Enter


Inside this classic black daily planner are several handy features to help optimise your organisation efficiently, with both the list-maker and note-taker in mind!

Each page is undated, taking off that pressure to complete an entry every day so you can just pick up where you left off. You can easily find your last log too, as each daily planner comes with a ribbon bookmark.

The giveaway will end on the 31st of August and we will be announcing the winner on the 1st of September. Get your entries in quick!



Visit Oh Deer’s online store to shop their amazing range of cards, stationary, crafts and gifts: https://ohhdeer.com/


Ohh Deer Giveaway



Read our giveaway Ts & Cs below for more information.


Terms & Conditions

  1. How to Enter

1.4. The winner will be selected at random by Twenty2 Recruitment & Consultancy team from those who have liked, commented and shared on the post & followed the Instagram page.

  1. When to Enter and Who can Enter

2.1. The giveaway opens on Friday 8th August and closes Thursday 1st September.

2.2. Entrants can enter at any point between these dates.

2.4. The giveaway is open to UK Residents aged 18 and over (or those with permission from a parent or guardian).

  1. Prizes

3.1. The prize for winning the giveaway will be one Daily Planner from Ohh Deer.

3.2. The Prize is as stated and they cannot be sold or exchanged for cash, goods or services. Unless specifically agreed in writing by Twenty2 Recruitment & Consultancy, the Prize is not transferable and will be sent to the winner via post at the address provided by the entrant.

3.3.  Twenty2 Recruitment & Consultancy do not accept liability for the damage or loss that occurs during transit.

  1. Data Protection and Publicity

4.1. You consent to your first name and photograph being disclosed on Twenty2 Recruitment & Consultancy digital channels or other media if you win any Prizes under the giveaway.

4.2. Any personal data relating to participants will be used solely in accordance with current UK data protection legislation. By entering the Giveaway, you agree that Twenty2 Recruitment & Consultancy may contact you in relation to the Giveaway.

4.3. Giveaway winners will be contacted by Twenty2 Recruitment & Consultancy. You must provide accurate contact details on notification.

4.4. Twenty2 Recruitment & Consultancy reserves the right to use the photograph and name of the winner for publicity and in advertising, marketing or promotional material without additional compensation or prior notice to the winners. In entering the Giveaway, all participants consent to such use of their photograph and name.

  1. Giveaway Rules

5.1. The Giveaway will be run and Prizes will be awarded at Twenty2 Recruitment & Consultancy’s sole discretion.

5.2. We reserve the right to change the Giveaway rules and these Terms and Conditions from time to time. If we do so, we will always have the most up-to-date terms and conditions on the Website and in the case of a discrepancy between these terms and conditions and those on the Website, the Website terms and conditions will apply. Your continued use of the website will constitute your acceptance of the new rules and/or Terms and Conditions.

5.3 All intellectual property rights in the images and materials on the Website, and used in the services provided by Twenty2 Recruitment & Consultancy and no person may make any use of them without Twenty2 Recruitment & Consultancy’s express permission.

  1. Liability and Indemnities

6.1. Twenty2 Recruitment & Consultancy and its associated companies and agents and distributors exclude responsibility and all liabilities, whether direct or indirect, arising from:

6.1.1. any postponement or cancellation of the Giveaway;

6.1.2. any changes to, supply of or use of the Prize; and

6.1.3. any act or default of any supplier, which are beyond Twenty2 Recruitment & Consultancy’s reasonable control.

6.2. Twenty2 Recruitment & Consultancy does not accept responsibility for any liability arising from technical incompatibility, problems relating to the internet, or technical difficulties of any kind.

6.3. Twenty2 Recruitment & Consultancy shall not be liable, whether in tort, contract, misrepresentation or otherwise for loss of profits, loss of anticipated savings, loss of goods, loss of use, loss or corruption of data or information, or any special, indirect, consequential or pure economic loss, costs, damages, charges or expenses.

6.4. You agree to indemnify Twenty2 Recruitment & Consultancy against all liabilities, claims and expenses that may arise from any breach of your agreement with Twenty2 Recruitment & Consultancy.

  1. Jurisdiction

7.1. The Giveaway and these Terms and Conditions are governed by English Law. England & Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim that arises out of or in connection with these Terms and Conditions.

Skills in the Workplace – are you an active listener?

By Marketing Assistant, Lucy Moult

22 July 2022


It’s a simple concept, when someone speaks, you listen. But in reality, people are often “far too busy” to stop and truly engage in a conversation. We’ve all had moments where we start chatting to someone and their eyes begin to wander around the room or they check their phone whilst you’re finishing a sentence. This is usually followed by, “sorry I missed that. Can you say that again?”. Equally, we have all been guilty of it too. That feeling of embarrassment when you lost focus during a meeting or group discussion and had to guess at what was just said.

If you consider yourself a ‘bad listener’, what can you do to improve this skill? Consciously making the decision to ask a colleague how they are or starting a conversation around the holiday they had last week are easy ways to check in and build relationships.


Our top tips on how to be an active listener


Going a step further and acting upon what someone has said shows that their words had meaning and you remembered the conversation. Sending them a card on their birthday, buying them their favourite snack on your lunch break, or following up on an issue they raised are simple ways to show that you truly listened.

The wonderful thing about listening is that, whether you have an interest in what someone is saying or not, allowing them to speak and be heard will have a positive impact on their mental wellbeing. You may never know that your employee is going through a hard time if you don’t ask. After taking part in a workplace wellbeing course, 93% of workers said that it helped them to recognise emotional distress in others and 90% felt more confident approaching a colleague in distress (Source: Samaritans, Wellbeing in the Workplace). Learning the correct skills and building confidence might also reveal a new friendship or inspire collaboration – increasing workplace productivity.


Things to consider in the workplace to encourage active listening:


Every July, Samaritans run their awareness-raising campaign Talk to Us, to remind people of the great work they do and being there for so many people who are struggling. The Samaritans Awareness Day takes place on the 24th July because Samaritans are there for you 24/7. Whatever you’re going through, you can call Samaritans anytime, from any phone, on 116 123.


Get involved on social media by hashtagging #TalkToUs and #SamaritansAwarenessDay



Samaritans Talk to Us campaign: https://www.samaritans.org/support-us/campaign/talk-us/

*Workplace staff training: https://www.samaritans.org/how-we-can-help/workplace/workplace-staff-training/

Samaritans online training: https://www.samaritans.org/how-we-can-help/workplace/wellbeing-workplace/

** St John’s Ambulance Mental Health First Aider training: https://www.sja.org.uk/courses/workplace-mental-health-first-aid/book/adult-mental-health-first-aid-2-days/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw8uOWBhDXARIsAOxKJ2GjeP4_NwP2OLGnQDwEK7KtWid5xNOfUTvANwxiWaLWtgKJ06dkiOEaAhc1EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds

Forbes 10 Steps to Effective Listening: https://www.forbes.com/sites/womensmedia/2012/11/09/10-steps-to-effective-listening/?sh=2c805bec3891


Samaritans Contact Information


Infographic/Visual text:

How to make hybrid working a success in 2022

By Recruitment Manager, Laura Armfield

14 June 2022


In March 2020, when Prime Minister Boris Johnson first issued the work from home mandate people believed that it would last for just a couple of weeks before the majority of people headed back to the office. In reality, the change has had a much longer-lasting impact with many employees were still working from home, at least on a part-time basis. It seems undeniable that the covid pandemic has changed the working landscape, not just in the UK, but the world over.

As recruiters, we see first-hand the impact that this change as had, both for employers and employees. Some employers have welcomed the work-from-home culture by switching to a hybrid model for all staff, others are eager for a return to the office in full. On the employee side, some will only consider a role which can be done remotely, whilst others are desperate to get back to in-person working and events. As Nicola Downing, COO Ricoh Europe said recently in an article for HR News Today “The challenge for employers is that they cannot have a one-size fits all approach…because not every employee has the same wants.” In response to this dilemma, hybrid working is on the rise.



It is clear that a flexible approach and willingness to adapt will serve employers well as they seek to secure the best talent in an incredibly competitive market. Below we have pulled together some great articles containing advice on how to make hybrid working work.


Tips and advice to help make hybrid working a success:


If you’re an employer thinking about taking on a new team member but wondering how to approach it, Twenty2 Recruitment and Consultancy are here to help. For an informal chat and advice on navigating the often tricky world of recruitment, get in touch with Hayley or Laura today. We specialise in professional services recruitment across the East Midlands and Staffordshire and are happy to help your business grow and achieve.


Disclaimer: Twenty2 Recruitment & Consultancy Ltd bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of external site links or for that of subsequent links. Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content.

Life After Graduation


by our Digital Marketing & Admin Assistant, Lucy

10 Jun 2022


When I started my final year of university, I had no idea what the year ahead had in store. I had always been indecisive about what career path I should take, so I decided to choose what I was good at and what I enjoyed. This approach was, of course, successful in the end. I finished university with good grades, having thoroughly enjoyed my education. But now what? When all you’ve known is coursework and revision, you can feel left out in the dust when graduation rolls around.



I began by searching for roles relevant to my degree course. When these were unsatisfactory or I was unsuccessful, I started looking elsewhere. I looked into various apprenticeship roles that had caught my eye and decided to apply. The process of applying for an apprenticeship is as competitive as any school or job. It is not ‘the easy option’. My art and design background lent itself well to digital marketing and I have no regrets about my decision. I would highly recommend the apprenticeship route to anyone, not just school leavers.


My recommendation, for whatever stage you’re at in your career or education, is to make decisions for yourself, not anyone else. And definitely not because “it pays good money”.


It’s true what they say, the majority of our lives will be spent working so choosing an industry that you’re passionate about needs to be the priority.





External Links:


Disclaimer: Twenty2 Recruitment & Consultancy Ltd bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of external site links or for that of subsequent links. Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content.

Castle Donington FC Exchange Tournament Sponsorship

In April we had the pleasure of sponsoring the Castle Donington FC Exchange Tournament, a local football tournament hosted in our home of Castle Donington.

It was great to be featured alongside other notable local enterprises and recognised amongst the local people. We were also very happy with our banner and programme advertisement printed by local graphic designer, Ian at Castle Creative.

It was a brilliant day. The sun stayed out and it was great to see the local community come together.

Congratulations to all the teams that won and to everyone involved in making the tournament a success!

